
A journey to Antarctica


on February 29, 2012

Let's jump in!

Hi Stage 3

Welcome to our blog.

Over the coming weeks you will be working hard to present unique and interesting information about Antarctica for our blog.

I look forward to seeing the facts and features of Antarctica that you are sure to uncover as you research.

Good Luck and happy blogging.

Mrs Connell


Hi Stage 3!!!

Thank you so much for getting our blog up and running. I really have enjoyed reading the information that you have discovered so far

and can’t wait to read more! Think of yourself as Antarctic Explorers- trying to discover as many unique and exciting things about this

wonderful continent as you can.

Good Luck

Mrs Connell

4 responses to “Welcome

  1. rpsstage312 says:

    Nice picture
    From Amber.hanrahan

  2. rpsstage312 says:

    yes its very nice indeed :p

  3. rpsstage312 says:

    love the picture maddy its awesome

  4. rpsstage312 says:

    cute mrs connell kyra

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